Osci Toolkit

An authoring and publishing environment for online catalogues with full scholarly apparatus

History the OSCI Toolkit Learn more about the Toolkit

Toolkit Architecture How all the pieces fit together

Tutorials Build your knowledge

Catalogues & Publications OSCI Toolkit in the wild

Research & Resources Articles, presentations, etc.

Source Code on GitHub IMAmuseum/OSCI-Toolkit

Demo Site

The site http://demo.oscitoolkit.org is available for you to try out the tool. Your edits will be removed after the nightly (4 AM ET) rebuild.

Digital Publishing Slack

Join the Art & Museum Digital Publishing Interest Group on Slack to connect with other institutions interested in digital publishing.


The following tutorials will help you get started with content entry. After completing these tutorials you will have a solid foundation for how to get all content into the OSCI Toolkit. All tutorials are currently hosted on the GitHub project Wikis.


The OSCI Toolkit relies on the ePub3 specification as a means to move digital book contents between systems. This includes the ability to package an entire book into an ePub3 document at the click of a button and/or access granular pieces of of digital books in order to drive novel end-user applications.

Use the links below to read the documentation for the different parts of the toolkit.